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Augustus Hare and Holmhurst St Mary
From the website of Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family, Montebeni, Fiesole, Italy

S. Petersburg
An article adapted from Hare's 'Studies in Russia', Chapter 2, George Allen, London, (1895)

Benjamin Jowett
Hare's Tutor at Oxford

A Site about victorian childhood - quotes from Hare

Croglin Church
Another Site with the Vampire of Croglin Grange story

Mother Agnes Mason, Foundress, Community of the Holy Family
The Community lived at Holmhurst for many years

Gazetteer with some quotes from Hare

Find A Grave
Do a search for Hare - a very fine website - BUY THE T-SHIRT!)

Photography in Rome Page by one of the Hare Society Members.

Walks in London (Vol. 1)

Walks in London (Vol. 2)

any suggestions for links should be emailed to me at augustus.hare@btinternet.com