As you may know - I am hoping to stage a centenary exhibition of Hare's life and work in 2003.
I have been in touch with the curator of Hasings Museum, Victoria Williams, and she has suggested that I approach the Hastings Central Library (The Brassey Institute) for the use of some space for such an exhibition.
I have since had a disappointing e-mail from the Group Manager of Hastings Library:
Thank you for your recent letter regarding plans to mark the centenary of the death of Augustus Hare.
Unfortunately, the library has no suitable room capable of staging an exhibition or literary event, as suggested in your letter. We do however, have a rolling programe of displays, usually consisting of books and information in the form of leaflets and posters etc. This programe is coordinated by Christine Shoesmith, Stock Services Librarian. If you would like to discuss inclusion in this programme, please contact Christine at Hastings Library, 01424 461955.
I regret the library is unable to play a fuller part in your plans to mark the centenary, but wish you well in your endeavours.
Yours sincerely,
Gary Porter
Group Manager, Hastings Library
Hastings Museum have also very kindly offered the loan of some items that they hold (a number of watercolours and a sale catalogue from the auction of Hare's effects in 1903) for an exhibition.
I have been to the East Sussex Records Office in Lewes, who hold a few of Hare's sketchbooks (dated 1845 and 1849 - so he was aged 11 and 15 respectively) and seen these books - they are mostly very basic sketches in a juvenile hand, but I hope that I would also be able to get these items on loan for the exhibition.
The Bodleian Library at Oxford University also have a number of watercolours - I haven't contacted them yet.
If anyone has any other suggestions for sources of Hare material please e-mail me on