Glamis Castle
August 14. 1879.

My dear Prince

I cannot say how sorry I am to think of your suffering so terribly from your teeth. I can feel for you, as I had such agonies from neuralgia two years ago. It is terrible also to think also that I shall now not see you at all again : I came here on purpose the 26 hours journey -

The Strathmores were terribly disappointed, as far more of a royal "reception" was prepared for you here than you have met with anywhere else. You would have found all the county - and two especial trains were engaged at Lord Strathmores expense to take you tomorrow to see the curious factories of ?jute and marmalade and slowly accrss the great bridge - besides the historic ??? of S. Andrews. Tomorrow evening there was to be a great ball, and of course nothing can be put off.

It has been the loveliest day we have had this year, and we have been out all day - All my young cousins are at home, and have been busy with lawn tennis - but I have only made two drawings of this most wonderful of all old castles. We have had tea upon the lawn, and Lady Ramsay, Lady ?????, and Miss Robertson are here, who sing like three archangels.

With much longing for you to be quite well again,

I am Yr very devoted & affecate

Augustus J C Hare